Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Can Depression Be A Sign Of Something More

Have you taken more than one antidepressant but are still feeling depressed? Are you frustrated that your depression keeps coming back? You are not alone. Many people are first told that they have depression or anxiety when, in fact, they actually have a different medical condition. Of these people, one in two will first be told they have depression, one in four will be told they have anxiety.

Why Does Your Depression Keep Coming Back?

There are a number of reasons why symptoms of depression may persist despite taking medication. One of these reasons may be because patients don’t always remember to tell their doctors about all the symptoms they’re experiencing. For example, patients may talk to their doctors when they feel down or depressed and are looking for relief. They may not talk about the times when they’ve felt really good or energetic. In fact, patients often think about these times as their “good times” or “normal times.” This is important information that can help your doctor make a correct diagnosis and provide treatment that may help you feel better. 

Help Your Doctor Help You

Getting a correct diagnosis is the first step to finding a treatment that is right for you. Bipolar depression is a form of depression that requires a different kind of treatment. If you have questions about bipolar depression, be sure to talk with your doctor. Several treatments, including some new medications, along with support from your doctor, can help people manage their symptoms over time. 

What Is Bipolar Depression?

Bipolar depression is one part of bipolar disorder, a chronic-but treatable-illness. Sufferers usually have episodes of depression (“lows”) and episodes of increased energy, racing thoughts or anxiety (“highs”). Untreated bipolar depression can affect an individual’s ability to function at work, participate in social activities and maintain relationships. Getting an accurate diagnosis and the correct treatment can help patients with bipolar depression manage their symptoms and lead productive lives.


  1. Ah the cliche of "productive lives." Productive of what? More bullshit, unnecessary doo-dads - no not even that for all actual making of things happen outside the interior of American Empire. All we have are extremely shady legal documents that say we own the world which no one would recognize if we didn't have the biggest gun on the block to back it up. We produce nothing - we are nothing but deeds and bombs. Well the world is catching up and we will fall like Rome. It can't happen fast enough for me. I'd rather be "mentally ill" than a patriot of an evil, oppressive, greedy, thieving, bullying Empire. Money is obsolete and so are the majority of jobs. Productivity is a statistical illusion of corporate shills. At least 60% of "jobs", even surgery, will be automated within many of our lifetimes. We need to revolt, rebel, resist, especially our corrupt medical system, so we can live only to better ourselves, play, create or get stoned if that is what we wish without the moralism of outdated work ethics. Who will benefit from this inevitability more than the mentally ill? We need to lead the revolution against the owners, the banks, the CEO's, the grotesquely privileged so all can benefit, so all can play. Rise up! You have nothing to lose but the chains that bind you to the greed of the ruling class! Make no mistake the ruling class declared war on us. They think they've won. But prison or worse awaits them if only we rise together - with Native peoples and the mentally ill leading the revolutionary charge. Start today. Fuck your doctor. Educate yourself - in short order you will know more than they do despite their regimented training!

  2. It seems you have bipolar depression.

  3. There are legitimate complaints about Big Pharma, and legitimate complaints about the society/civilization that we live in. However, these do not define the issue of medication for depression any more than medication for depression defines the obverse problems. The fact is, some antidepressants and medications for bipolar actually work, and people that are depressed or bipolar can benefit from these medications and still be very critical of Big Pharma and the society/civilization that we live in. Big Pharma does indeed invent some problems in order to sell their products- but this is not true in all cases. The society/civilization we live in creates some of these problems- but this is not true in all cases. Let legitimate use of medications have its place- there are people that can take these medications and still "productively" take on Big Pharma and try to solve the problems of our society. It's not as black-and-white as some people attempt to portray it.
